Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Why the Deception?

Barack Hussein Obama's forged Certificate of Live Birth

An actual copy of a real Hawaiian Certificate of Live Birth

Requirement for a TRUE Hawaiian Certificate of Live Birth

The signature block on the reverse side of a Hawaiian “Certification of Live Birth” should contain the name, Alvin T. Onaka, State Registrar and Chief of the Office of Health Status Monitoring of the Hawaii Department of Health.

There are seal stamps that are attached to 6 in long arms — like a long stapler — specifically made for embossing the middle of an 8 1/2; wide document.

The embossing seal is an ink stamp with raised ridges meant to put depressions in the paper that can be felt by hand, in addition to the inked image.

This combination is very hard to duplicate on an original document. It cannot be Photoshopped.
Someone would have to make a duplicate of the embossing seal itself.

While these signature blocks are visibly missing from Barack Hussein Obama’s faked copy they are clearly visible on the actual Hawaiian Certificate of Live Birth.

Is it at all possible that his birth name was actually Barry Dunn and he changed it to Barack Hussein Obama AFTER he converted to Islam?

Is it also possible that Barack Hussein Obama only attended the Trinity United Church of Christ because Michael was a member and that deep in his heart he really DOES NOT believe in Christianity as he claims too? Trinity United Church of Christ just happens to support the Nation of Islam an Islamic terrorist group.

Is it also possible that the only reason Barack Hussein Obama is claiming to be a Christian is to keep from loosing his wife?

Why has Barack Hussein Obama posted a

forgery of his Birth Certificate

on the internet claiming that it is his legal Birth Certificate?

What is Barack Hussein Obama

afraid of?

What is Barack Hussein Obama

if that is his real name trying to

HIDE or running away from?